So, we were all geared up for some snow - some good go out and have some fun in it snow. What we woke up to was barely what we could even call snow. It barely covered the ground - not even good for a snowball. So, we got up - looked out the window first (no sense in taking a shower if we could just go back to bed) and grumbled, then got into our going to work mode. I will tell you now, I should have stayed home. News said roads were okay, but schools still closed (gotta love it). I headed to work, which is 45 minutes away and to the east. Very important to know I work EAST of where I live. Most of my travel is via back roads. First one was okay, within 1/8 of a mile on the second there was a truck flipped over in a field. I could see the fireman by the side of the road, and i could tell he had his hand out - just couldn't see what the hand was doing. (it was dark out) by the time i could see he was saying stop, let's just say the layer of ice on the road prevented me from doing so. I drove the rest of the way hoping I stayed on the road. I will say another animal prayer now - for the poor squirrel that i thought was a leaf blowing into the road, but know I am happy I didnt know it was a squirrel - cuz i would have hit the brakes or swerved, and well, remember the icy road? Poor squirrel. By the time i made it to work, i was truly regretting the drive. the 485 interstate loop was snow covered and treacherous. NO nice roads for me. Most of the snow hit EAST of charlotte, where my jobsite is. Raleigh got even more. Thankfully, this is the south, and while the snow remained on the ground at my jobsite for days, on the trip home, once I got on I-85, there was not a flake to be seen. It had already melted away. At home, my kids were excited to find just a small patch of snow/ice mix left behind in a shady spot.
We'll hope for more snow next time.