I'll admit, I don't necessarily NEED to see snow tomorrow. I saw plenty of it on our Christmas trip to NY. The four hours of driving in white out conditions is still fresh in my mind. SO, while I don't need to see it,I sure wouldn't mind. Since moving to the south, I've come to be one of the people that actually HOPES it snows. Snow of 1 in in Buffalo isn't even really considered accumulation. Snow of an inch here? It's a valid reason to close schools, government and businesses, and send everyone in a rush to the store days in advance to stock up on Milk and bread. (i'm never sure why, since the snow is usually gone in a day and shouldn't you already have that stuff in your house?) So I'm hoping for snow tomorrow. My three day weekend could turn into 4 and I'm not against that at all. To help me with my snow thoughts, I've grabbed some pictures from about this time last year. It was our first, and ONLY snow, and I think it was gone by the afternoon - although tomorrow, if it does snow, should stick around a little while longer since it's only supposed to get to a high of 32.

Our first born, Kavik, doesn't care that there is snow on the ground, he just wants you to throw his purple ball (yes, he knows his are purple, we color coded back in the days when Gabriel wanted to imitate his older brother. Gabriel was Yellow, later on Delaney was Pink and Kavik is purple. And yes, this included carrying it around in his mouth - drinking out of the pool, and attempting to lift his leg.)

There are my monsters, all dressed to play in the snow.

Just a cool picture of some cold trees on our street. It's just one of those pictures I really like.