I always like to take a picture of my fish while I can actuall see them. It's that time of year where I drain the water out, catch the fish, haul off the winter sludge, then put the fish back in a much cleaner home. It's not a job for the faint of heart. Sludge, slime, smell and usually something pops out that gives me that short adrenaline rush. It's usually a bullfrog and I don't mind them, they just startle me when I'm in there looking for fish and something jumps out at me.

This year we had no bullfrogs, and I actually missed them. What I did find was this neat lizard. He was living up in the waterfall area - where I found him as I was moving rocks and digging out more sludge.

The kids thought he was cool, so we kept him around in a bucket so they could watch him and so I wouldn't step on him during my cleaning.
The pond is now clean, fish are happy. We also went and got some more fish - from 13 last year to 6 or was it 7 this year. That Grey Heron depleted my pond big time. So, we went to the pet store and spurged. YUP, almost $2.00 on 6 feeder fish. Luckest fish around yesterday.
And hey, can anyone identify this thing?
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