Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Head

We decided to paint pumpkins this year instead of carve. I figured this was a way to actually get the kids involved. Every year for the past six years, we buy pumpkins, then Mom and Dad end up scooping out pumpkin guts and carving while the kid(s) lose interest and leave for better things to do. It was perfect timing that I decided to make sure we had paint for the pumpkins right after dinner on my birthday. I go digging up in Gabriel's closet - since that's where we store items we don't want the kids to have free access to. It didn't dawn on me until it FELL on me that the gift bag perched percariously up there on the same shelf as the paint, was my birthday present. Good thing for me that it was the soft blanket Delaney wanted to get me. I just had to laugh, and admit the whole situation to Randy. The second bag did not fall, and I was good and didn't peak. Needless to say he may need to find a new hiding spot for any Christmas presents. Back to the pumpkins - the kids had a good time painting, and mom too. Delaney, in Delaney fashion had paint EVERYWHERE. I made sure to sit on the other side of the table which stops me from trying to make her pumpkin in anyway more perfect than she could do herself. (it's the compulsive obsessive in me). Go ahead and see if you can guess who painted which pumpkin. I hope you enjoy the pics. I hope to get some good pictures of the pirate and tinkerbell tomorrow.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Shout out to my friend Jon

Happy Birthday Jon! I hope it's a good one!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Patterson Farms

We did our annual trip to Patterson Farms for a pumpkin. They added a couple activities this year that the kids loved- duck races and tomato sling shots! I wish the cow milking had worked a little better, poor things were worn out I guess and out of "milk". This country girl just had to laugh. I wish that I had pictures of myself riding the tractors - unloading hay, feeding the chickens, pigs, cows, etc. Half the time I think the kids are going "yea right mom, you're making this stuff up!" you know, having to bring eggs back to the house in this frilly basket my mom made just to embarass me, running out to the milk house in the middle of dinner to get more milk....being excited to get thermal socks for christmas so my feet didn't freeze while I was out doing chores.... - stop - i know half of you are rolling your eyes at this but it's the TRUTH!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Just some fun Pictures

Fall into the Weekend

Teach me to let Randy take a picture when I haven't looked in the mirror since before I left the house at 8 am (so i've been swimming and steam cleaning carpets since then - neither of which is good for any sort of hair style!) It was another beautiful day here, so we turned the TV off and went outside.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Grandma is an Angel

My Grandma is an angel
It must be true.
Her wings of GOLD
Hidden from view.

The twinkle in her eyes,
Let’s her humor be known.
Her loving Hug
Tells us we are never alone.

She has the patience of a Saint
You would have to say
To put up with all the antics
Along the way.

An Angel she is
An Angel she will be
Her Wings of gold open
For all to see.

This poem is for my Gram. I have created a scrapbook page to send to her - I will try and see if I can scan it in and post it

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Wonderful Fall Weekend

We had a terrific weekend. Delaney's eye doctor appointment on Friday was quick and painless (despite the rain and cold). We had swim lessons on Saturday morning - followed by a trip to the library and then some painting at Meg Art (my newest addiction) and Sunday we had a great time with Shadow at the barn and then home to do some much needed yardwork. The kids enjoyed some much needed outdoor time - bikes, swings, trampoline, and Kavik joined in the fun. I got some great pictures of the kids - and of Susan and Shadow. I hope you enjoy.
Uploading the pictures of Kavik running after his ball reminded me of our color coding system. I don't know if they say dogs are color blind - but Kavik knows his colors thats for sure. His ball is purple. He will have no other color. When Gabriel (and Delaney) were younger - they also had colors. Gabriel's was yellow, Delaney was Pink. We had to do this to ease our own parenting ideals when Gabriel began copying his favorite older brother - this included drinking out of the pool, and carrying a ball around in his mouth (so we went to petsmart and bought him his own, yellow ball), and yes, once lifting his leg. When Delaney got to a certain age - she too wanted her own, so out came the pink. I was always amazed that Kavik would never grab the wrong ball - he always went for purple. Now if only the two legged kids would have been so good. I don't know if i'm happy or sad that they have gotten old enough that this has all fallen to the wayside - well, except the fact that Gabriel was on all fours and barking like a dog while we were at the barn yesterday - maybe we're not completely done with that Phase....better go find his yellow ball.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yellow and Green Dots

I have become obsessed with Green Dots, and Yellow ones too. I am determined that all should be green. This obsession comes from the new equipment at my local Curves. It's called the Curves Smart Program. You get a computer chip that tracks your work out at each machine. At the end - it downloads in and tells you where you are performing and your peak "green" dots and where you are doing okay, but need to work harder "yellow" dots (and they put the dots on the part of your body so you know what's what). I have been determined in my effort in the last few weeks , especially the GLUTTEALS! i had green all over except there (okay, and my back). On monday I wait for my summary to come up and YES, I have a green dot on my.....but then all other have turned yellow. FOILED. Last night I tried it again, and at the end, yes, vindication, only one yellow dot remained - ONE. So when I start rambling about seeing yellow dots, you at least know where it comes from.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Smart Kid

So, at least for the time being,I ask how did I end up with a smart kid? All along I thought it was Delaney who was switched at the hospital (how can you blame me when she claims she likes broccoli more than chocolate and has proved that fact on many an occassion - shunning the molten lava chocolate cake for more broccoli or fries with ranch.). We had our first Parent Teacher Conference with Gabriel's First Grade teacher. (although I'm a little leery as she says she has never seen this child act goofy, when as a parent I plead for him to act normal once in a while). She states he does NOT run into walls at school, nor does he bang anything he can find against his head and think it's funny. She DOES claim that he follows directions to a T and is never a problem (again, is this MY child?) In the first 8 weeks of school he has been tested and knows all he's supposed to know by the end of the year and can read at half way through second grade level. He also aces every pre-spelling test which gives him the challenge words - which he still aces, and almost aces the bonus words (last week included spider and decoration, this week one of the words is ghost). So, the kid in me thinks cool, no more school for the rest of the year, I mean HECK he already knows the stuff. he he. The parent in me is wondering how to keep him learning without overdoing it too much, but so he doesn't become one of those problem kids that causes problems because he is bored. I will admit I'm proud of him - at the same time I'm shaking that head trying to figure out why he thinks running into doors is funny.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Turtle Watch

Well October 5th came and went with no activity at the turtle spot, so today I decided to dig a little and see what i could find. I found all five eggs- two were already split open with lots of bug activity - another i opened and it looked like a turtle had formed - but it was already very yucky, and then the remaining two just looked like they had gross yolks in them. So, we are sorry to say our turtle watch is over and no turtles. We are hoping mama turtle comes back next year and we plan to dig them up and incubate them in a rubbermaid container or something to see if we have better luck. I was so hoping to see baby turtles.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Horse Sense!

Part of our weekend activity was visiting Shadow - our horse friend we hadn't seen in a while. Susan is so nice to let us ride. Or rather, let the kids ride. We do have a side bet going that she gets a steak dinner if she ever gets Randy up in the saddle! Shadow was nice and shiney from her bath the day before - and she was more than ready for her treats at the end. She loves carrots.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fall Sports

Another beautiful day for a soccer game. The kids did great and Gabriel got a goal! He was funny, after stopping another kick - (he was goalie this time) he told us that #50 could kick hard and it hit his middle finger and pinkie and it hurt-ed. His team did a great job considering no practice last week or this week.

We also had our first swim lessons today. What a complete turn around from lessons in the spring when Gabriel wouldn't even put his face in the water. Now you can't keep him ABOVE water. Delaney joined in swim lessons this time - her first time. So we hope she'll soon be swimming with brother. They both enjoy the pool and this way each has time to swim/play while the other is in class- Gabriel has class at 9, and Delaney's class is 10.

As a note- we've started Christmas want lists. Our k ids have a different view on life, that's for sure. Gabriel wants a hot tub (it has 46 jets mom!)and an RV (one of those real nice tour bus camper types) and Delaney just told Randy she wants a Zamboni.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Nice View

So, my job is located on a jobsite. I move from place to place around Charlotte depending on what we are building. Our current site was an old Driving Range - turning into a Medical Facility - we have a job trailer and are going to be adding two more - in order to get the area ready - the site guys have been working and I'm thinking I need a hard hat, safety vest and glasses just sitting at my desk. One of the things they had to do was pull down a fairly big tree - that was oh, 18 inches from our trailer, three feet from my office. I moved to a different corner while they were doing that. It's interesting to work while the whole trailer is shaking as the bulldozers go back and forth. You can't say at times like this that my job is dull that's for sure. The arial shows our site- our trailer is up in the left corner.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's Someone's Birthday

Okay, I just want to wish Lisa (LeBlanc) Suggs a very Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great day! Best wishes, and hope you can sit down and relax at least for a minute on your day.

It's hard to believe the picture I attached is from two years ago! Seems like just yesterday we were having lunch at Hawleys in Perry. It was the first time together in almost 20 years! We can't let that happen again (the time in between, not lunch together!)