We had a terrific weekend. Delaney's eye doctor appointment on Friday was quick and painless (despite the rain and cold). We had swim lessons on Saturday morning - followed by a trip to the library and then some painting at Meg Art (my newest addiction) and Sunday we had a great time with Shadow at the barn and then home to do some much needed yardwork. The kids enjoyed some much needed outdoor time - bikes, swings, trampoline, and Kavik joined in the fun. I got some great pictures of the kids - and of Susan and Shadow. I hope you enjoy.
Uploading the pictures of Kavik running after his ball reminded me of our color coding system. I don't know if they say dogs are color blind - but Kavik knows his colors thats for sure. His ball is purple. He will have no other color. When Gabriel (and Delaney) were younger - they also had colors. Gabriel's was yellow, Delaney was Pink. We had to do this to ease our own parenting ideals when Gabriel began copying his favorite older brother - this included drinking out of the pool, and carrying a ball around in his mouth (so we went to petsmart and bought him his own, yellow ball), and yes, once lifting his leg. When Delaney got to a certain age - she too wanted her own, so out came the pink. I was always amazed that Kavik would never grab the wrong ball - he always went for purple. Now if only the two legged kids would have been so good. I don't know if i'm happy or sad that they have gotten old enough that this has all fallen to the wayside - well, except the fact that Gabriel was on all fours and barking like a dog while we were at the barn yesterday - maybe we're not completely done with that Phase....better go find his yellow ball.
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