So, at least for the time being,I ask how did I end up with a smart kid? All along I thought it was Delaney who was switched at the hospital (how can you blame me when she claims she likes broccoli more than chocolate and has proved that fact on many an occassion - shunning the molten lava chocolate cake for more broccoli or fries with ranch.). We had our first Parent Teacher Conference with Gabriel's First Grade teacher. (although I'm a little leery as she says she has never seen this child act goofy, when as a parent I plead for him to act normal once in a while). She states he does NOT run into walls at school, nor does he bang anything he can find against his head and think it's funny. She DOES claim that he follows directions to a T and is never a problem (again, is this MY child?) In the first 8 weeks of school he has been tested and knows all he's supposed to know by the end of the year and can read at half way through second grade level. He also aces every pre-spelling test which gives him the challenge words - which he still aces, and almost aces the bonus words (last week included spider and decoration, this week one of the words is ghost). So, the kid in me thinks cool, no more school for the rest of the year, I mean HECK he already knows the stuff. he he. The parent in me is wondering how to keep him learning without overdoing it too much, but so he doesn't become one of those problem kids that causes problems because he is bored. I will admit I'm proud of him - at the same time I'm shaking that head trying to figure out why he thinks running into doors is funny.
He sounds like a great kid! You must be so proud! Is there a gifted kids class you could put him in?
ReplyDeletethey are putting him in the accelearted reading class and also going to get him going on another project that is computer based, so we'll see how he likes all of that.