Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sledding for the FIRST TIME

We had the chance on Christmas eve to go sledding in Rochester. It was a great day for it - it had warmed up in the mid 40's. My kind of weather. Randy and I even got in on it. I was just glad I had the camera - so the only shot of us is safely at the bottom of the hill.....
It took Delaney a few trips down with me and a few with Dad before she warmed up to the idea of sledding on her own. She was a trooer though, and had a great time - the only part that was tough was walking back UP the hill.

Gabriel, he was in heaven. I finally had to ask though why he kept making himself wipe out, rather than enjoy the ride down the hill (he'd grab one side and lean so he'd tip over). Well, he's not so dumb. He figured out after one trip down that once there, you had to WALK all the way back up, and the walking was not fun, so he'd tip himself over about halfway down. Being a boy, he got the best of both - sledding and wiping out. Kids, gotta love em.

This is my neice Ashley who just turned 13 on Monday. She had a great time too and I have a great picture of one of her wipe outs that I'll have to post. I"m sure she'll love me for it.
All in all it was a great time. Three of the 5 cars at this hill sledding were from the south. I thought that was funny. I'm glad we did get our days to play in the snow since by Christmas day it was warm and raining again.......

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Winter Wonderland

I had to put on this picture of Gabriel,it's just a good shot of him having fun out in the snow. it was COLD out there and the snow was deep. The kids didn't care as much as the adults did...
This was our view, or lack of, for four hours of driving - Fredonia to Rochester NY. Of course, it's not normally a 4 hour drive, but well, not being able to see put a big dent in how fast we could go. Shortly after we made it through they closed it down, partially due to the oh, 8 different vehicles that were off the road in less than a quarter of a mile stretch. Now that we live in the south, we just aren't used to this kind of weather and driving -but we made it through, while reciting to ourselves "slow and steady" and "no sudden moves" About 10 miles outside of Rochester we had sun and blue sky.

It took a lot of convincing to get Delaney out in the snow and cold - but she seemed to have fun once we got there. She's getting ready to throw snow at me. THankfully it was not good packing snow so snowballs weren't an option.

The kids out in the snow - boy were we all cold when we got back in.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Toys for Tots is a Success!

The company I work for is very involved in giving back to the community. They do walks for the American Heart Association - Cancer Association, Habitat for Humanity - Operation Pillowcase and at this time of year it's Toys for Tots. Since my "office" is in Charlotte - any toys we gather here stay here in the Charlotte Region rather than go to Raleigh. Our Raleigh goal this year was 250 toys. Well, we did 135 toys just here in Charlotte and almost two thousand in cash. I am taking it to the local Marines office in just a little bit. Our subs here in Charlotte are so amazing in their help. With only an office of 8 people, well, even at three toys a piece that doesn't amount to a whole lot. So, with the help of other people we work with here in Charlotte, our toy drive was an amazing success. With the economy this year, it's truly amazing. I hope all those kids wake up and have a GREAT time opening gifts this holiday.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My immediate dislike for the Grey Heron

Okay, so maybe I shouldn't blame them all, I mean, it was just ONE bird, but well, he made me mad. Randy was home with a sick Delaney on Monday and I ended up working late, so it was dark by the time I made it home. In the middle of our a discussion, he goes, OH, there was a PELICAN in your pond today. He went out, scared him away, scooped two fish back into the pond (Randy did, not the pelican) and then came back inside. There was a quick description of the bird and it was decided it was a grey heron, not a pelican - something i've never seen around our lake norman. Herons yes, Pelican's, not so much. Thankfully it was getting dark so said bird left for the night. I was heartbroken. It sounds silly but I am very attached to my fish. Those poor fish, all nice and fat and ready for winter hibernation - and never having a predator near them ever before - they didn't stand a chance. Well, I grabbed the flashlight and went to see if I could get a fish count. I counted 6. My heart went back to normal - sort of. I could deal with half, it was better than none. The next morning as i am leaving to take Gabriel to school, in swoops the bird. I stormed in one door and back out the other to scare it away and told Randy he was not to MOVE from his bird watch point until I got back. As i left, i noticed the oh so lovely bird perched on our roof, scoping out his breakfast. When I got back, we searched for something suitable to put over the pond to protect my beloved fish. We settled on the screen from our gazebo - it was torn at the bottom and bound for the trash can - but it was an instant winner in the keep the heron away from the bird job. So, we draped and secured and watched and waited. A short time later I saw the heron up on our shed - just looking down as if to try and figure out how to get by the new protection. Thankfully he gave up and left. I am hoping he doesn't come back. As a post script - I was out checking on the pond tonight and it looks like I need to go out and scoop one out - one of the big ones that Randy scooped back in from where the bird had dragged it out :o( Poor thing - we tried.

As for me, I used to think of these birds as magestic, even pretty, now, well, if it wasn't for the fact that someone mentioned a very large fine, I'd be tempted to at least do in one of them.

On the flip side - Gabriel will be happy to get a large group of new feeder fish for his tank. We go and "save" some feeder fish - put them in his tank until they get some size on them - and then they go out into our pond - helps keep our population steady as some of my fish have started to age, and well, now we have this. And Gabriel will be happy - his orange and white one made it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Birthday Boy

This is Gabriel and his friend from School, Justin. It just helps me to know there are goofy kids our there just like Gabriel, and he's not really as weird as i think sometimes.
ah, the love of a sister, sometimes it can strangle you - oh yea, that's just her doing that.

Madyson- Gabriel's girlfriend from J Bear, Grace and Delaney at the bowling party.

Here's the soon to be birthday boy. Hard to believe he'll be 7 in two weeks. He had a great time at his bowling party. There were 11 kids- and they all had a great time. Thank you to everyone for being there. I hope you enjoyed it.

Friday, December 5, 2008


My question for today is why. It's directed at my brother. He can't answer right now, he's in the hospital. And even if he could, I truly doubt he would answer me truthfully. Why is it necessary for you to do drugs to get through life? Was time in the county jail not enough? Do you want to do hard time? Do you want your family to worry constantly? So much that they can't help but get tired and not want to have to worry anymore? My brother almost died today. From what I hear, he did his very best. I am hoping my Grandpa sent him back after a stern talking to. (Please Gramp tell me you did.) Thank Goodness his girlfriend decided to take a second look at him this morning after it clicked in her head that he hadn't moved all night. And I mean he hadn't moved at all - so much so that he had pretty much stopped breathing. Everybody has their faults, but for right now, I'm thankful that she did go back for a second look as in a few more minutes - that second look wouldn't have mattered. They say he was blue when they were working on him in the hospital. I don't understand the pull or hold that drugs have over a person. I'm glad I don't know, but then, I wish I had some idea so I could try and help. Then again, we've all tried, he doesn't seem to want to help himself. I posted pictures taken from last Christmas to remind me of my happy brother. I was such a remarkable turn around from the Christmas before when the best word to describe him was ZOMBIE. I'll keep looking at the picture. Trying to remember the old Scott and hoping he can come back to stay soon.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A day of Food and Fun

I had to do it - my pride and joy on Thanksgiving Day - I was the proud mom of a twenty pound maple basted turkey. and it was so good, and moist and did I mention good? I should have also taken pictures of my next favorite - the quadruple chocolate cake I made. Thinking of it now reminds me there is still some left in the fridge. Anyone Hungry?

There's my girl - up on Michelle's horse Bo, all on her own. She loves horses.

The Crew. Grace Gabriel Delaney and Austin. They grown so fast. Austin is almost 10, Gabriel 7, Grace a few monthes behind Gabriel and Delaney at 4. Austin was less than impressed that Aunt Kim still wanted a picture of all the kids.....little does he know he could be 30 and I'll still sit them all down for a picture.......

Night Ya'll- I'm off for some chocolate cake.