My question for today is why. It's directed at my brother. He can't answer right now, he's in the hospital. And even if he could, I truly doubt he would answer me truthfully. Why is it necessary for you to do drugs to get through life? Was time in the county jail not enough? Do you want to do hard time? Do you want your family to worry constantly? So much that they can't help but get tired and not want to have to worry anymore? My brother almost died today. From what I hear, he did his very best. I am hoping my Grandpa sent him back after a stern talking to. (Please Gramp tell me you did.) Thank Goodness his girlfriend decided to take a second look at him this morning after it clicked in her head that he hadn't moved all night. And I mean he hadn't moved at all - so much so that he had pretty much stopped breathing. Everybody has their faults, but for right now, I'm thankful that she did go back for a second look as in a few more minutes - that second look wouldn't have mattered. They say he was blue when they were working on him in the hospital. I don't understand the pull or hold that drugs have over a person. I'm glad I don't know, but then, I wish I had some idea so I could try and help. Then again, we've all tried, he doesn't seem to want to help himself. I posted pictures taken from last Christmas to remind me of my happy brother. I was such a remarkable turn around from the Christmas before when the best word to describe him was ZOMBIE. I'll keep looking at the picture. Trying to remember the old Scott and hoping he can come back to stay soon.
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