Okay, so I just learned I should add pictures and then type, unless i want all my writing at the bottom! Random picture number 1, love my hair don't you? College Graduation Pic, friends Mike Rivera and Kelli Cavo

Random picture of a horse smiling at me!

My Goonbodies. I love them and miss my Gramp a lot. Hang in there Gram.
The last random thought for the day - Going back to highschool here - love the hats don't you? My friend Dave Howden, whom I would LOVE to get back in touch with and my friend Ray. ah, those good ole high school days. makes me want to go home and find my journal (and many more bad pictures.)
Do you ever wonder if you are truly just talking (okay, typing) to yourself? Well, I am wondering that, so I'll just have to ask- is there anyone out there who is reading this? Do you ever want to post a comment? My favorite blog that I follow is Confessions of a Pioneer Woman, and while granted I am no where near as witty or have half as much energy as she has, she can have HUNDREDs of comments within an hour of posting. I know, jealousy isn't pretty, but boy, am I jealous that people READ and COMMENT on her blog. Maybe I just need to include more pictures of my dog and cowboy butts, maybe that will grab some attention (you'll have to go to her blog to understand.)
I figure, just for fun, I'll attach some Random pictures to this post, so even if you don't read, maybe you can look at some pretty pictures.....
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