Anyone out there remember what these are called?
You'd never in a million years guess that I have more than just a few pictures stored on my computer. Actually, I wonder if there is an exact number of pictures stored - a program that can figure it out for me. I've had this laptop for just a year now, and well, when someone like me can take 456 pictures in 2 hours at the barn, well, they start to add up. Randy keeps talking about getting me an external hard drive to free up some space. Hmmm, I think he's trying to tell me something. Our old desktop died last October, I think from picture overload. THe great thing is they got our data off and saved it onto two discs. I had some time to myself and transferred just a small portion of them before thinking better of it (or being threatened but hey, who remembers those sort of threats, I mean things).
I clicked on that PHOTOS FROM OLD COMPUTER file and found these. It's getting to be Thanksgiving and we'll be here, with my family up there, so these help me, or make me more homesick. This pic of my mom and the kids was taken, wow, a year exactly before my Grampa (aka Goonbody) passed away. Sigh, now I'm sad and homesick.
Anyone recognize it? One of my favorite places to visit. Letchworth State Park and the Trestle Bridge. I was very upset to find they actually FENCED off the tracks so you can't go out on the bridge. I have so very cool pictures of me on the bridge with a train going by. Not to mention, how in the world do I get to MY spot now? My spot is on the OTHER side of the bridge, down underneath the trestle. Let's hope that fence rusts away before someone has to scatter my ashes down there (dumping me off the top is not an option)
Middle falls, another favorite spot. Such a beautful place to have almost in our backyard while growing up.
I guess it's time to go rejoin the family and get everyone ready for bed. Cheers.
I think it was Jen and Barb (and maybe Lisa) that tried to get me to walk across that trestle, or so long ago... I stress tried. I was never quite that brave.
I love the bridge - was up there once or twice when the train went over - absolutely wonderful. One of the things i miss is Letch.