I feel I should be posting about all the things I'm thankful for - but well, thanks to a birthday party last week and a bingo prize - well, my kids seem to be very thankful and happy to have FLARP.

Yes, you read correctly, it's FLARP. Its marketed as a noisey silly putty, but for the kids in all of us, it's fart in a can. (sorry if i offend, but well, that is truly what it is) and my kids are delighted with it - over the moon, they think its absolutely hysterical. it's actually a crowd pleaser. I could just hear someone let it rip in the living room and .Oma (randy's mom) just asked if we needed to check Gabriel's pants. See, it's something the whole family can get involved with!
Gabriel has even introduced us to some new terminology that I think will catch on - Busted a grumpy. so next time you smell something, just ask "hey, who busted the grumpy?" and see what looks you get.
I hope to post more seasonal thankful items later. Right now I have to go air out my living room -
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