So yesterday was our day to take pictures for the upcoming holiday. We dressed, we posed, and 456 pictures later (and the first time i've filled my memory card) we were tired and ready to head home. So, if you want to see the other 452, let me know. I've loaded about 156 onto snapfish. I figured that was enough to make some eyes glaze over.

Not a bad family photo - and yes, Susan and Shadow are an integral part - if Kavik had ever met a horse before we might have tried him out also - maybe next time.

Susan was bribing Shadow with a carrot while my hubby took pics - I think I make him nervous as he was just clicking away. am impressed though. Susan dropped the carrot and was laughing about it and I said, I KNOW you dropped it, it's on my neck. (see it there on the left side?) thankfully she got it before Shadow tried to get it! (there's a pic of that too!)

The kids - just chilling out in the pasture.
Now let me tell you the best, or worst part of the story. We get home, and have an hour before we meet for dinner. I put the memory card in, hit transfer and away we go. A long while later (well, there were 456 pictures) picasa "is not responding" so I wait and wait and wait and then get desperate, it says 291 pictures done so far and I'm thinking, well, it's not 456 but i can live with 291. It closes, I open it again and there are THREE, yes three not great pictures of Shadow. No family, no Susan, no kids, nothing. I click out, back in, open and yup, still three. At this point i'm not sure if i want to scream or cry. I vote to slam my hands onto the desk as hard as possible. It doesn't work, the pictures are still not there. Put memory card back in camera - and there are no images. (see, i forget to delete so I have it set up to delele after it transfers, not so smart at this point in time). Randy tries searching, and comes up with nothing. I call Susan with frustration in my voice and we talk about doing it again on Sunday (which we did not feel like doing, while it was a good time, who wants to do all those pictures again? and some were not replaceable) I got back on the computer, hit a couple more buttons and the file was there. THe most beautiful file -with all 456 pictures. I was afraid to close it. Afraid to blink for fear it would disappear. Thankfully, none of the above happened and the pictures were saved in a place easy to find. note to self, change setting so pictures do NOT automatically delete. It took a long time for the panic that I felt to competely go away.
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